

Everyone must have their own ways to get their inspiration, right? Same goes with me. If I don't have any mood to study or just to do my work as it is my duty as a student, then I will watch a few of their videos or just listening to their songs.

Who are my source of inspiration?? Well, it is BTS. A well-known kpop boyband. Even though there are some people who hate them, or dislike them, or just simply jealous of their success, well, i don't care about those people. Apa yang Sha tahu, bagi Sha , dorang nilaah yang Sha anggap  sebagai inspirasi Sha. 


Sha dah jadi fans diorang sejak 2013 lagi. Sha dah follow setiap langkah diorang, daripada diorang baru je jadi artis sehingga lah diorang jadi worldwide idol sekarang. Sha tahu, setiap kejatuhan diorang, setiap halangan yang diorang lalui, diorang dituduh plagiat music orang, orang kata diorang takkan berjaya sebab diorang bukan dari agency yang besar, showtime diorang kena cut oleh TV broadcast. How they feel like quitting, but their ceo convinced them to continue their journey just to prove to all people out there that they can be successful. And now, diorang berjaya buktikan yang diorang mampu menjadi idol yang orang pandang tinggi. 

Diorang ajar Sha yang kita tak patut give up dalam impian kita. We should try and give our best to achieve our dream. 

Selain tu, all of their songs lyrics give a very very good and inspiring meaning. their songs are really deep if you try to understand the meaning of those lyrics. One of the songs yang selalu Sha dengar if Sha malas or Sha terlalu leka is ~ Pied Piper~

Now stop watching and study for your test
Your parents and boss hate me
Video clips, pictures, tweets

V app, Bon Voyage
I know, you can't help what you like
But stop, interpret the music video later
You have so many pictures of me in your room anyway
It's not just one hour, it's a whole year that'll disappea
So this song is an reward I'm giving to you

So, Sha nak cakap kat sini, janganla "Bash" orang yang minat kpop sebab their songs have a very ood meaning. You don't know why someone like those kpop group, so don't judge them. Ada orang yang dengar kpop songs sebab diorang depressed, they have a very low self -esteem and there is no one who want to listen to their problems. So, they decide that listening to kpop songs such as "LOVE MYSELF" is their type of escaping this cruel world for a while.

Love Myself songs has a very good meaning and convey us to love ourself. 

Yes, I have that beauty
Knowing that is going
On the path to loving myself
It’s what I need the most
I’m walking for myself
It’s an action needed for me
My attitude towards myself
That’s the happiness I need for me
I’ll show you what I got
I’m not afraid because it’s me
Love myself

So, these people are my inspirational source. What about yours?? I'm sure you have your own reason why you think that someone is your source of inspiration. We have our own reasons as to why we love them. So, PLEASE never judge someone jut because their type of interest are different from yours. 
